The story of your life summary
The story of your life summary

This would have been a tremendous shock to any parent to be blessed by a long-awaited child, only to have God tell you to sacrifice that child. God told Abraham, “ Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you” (Genesis 22:2 ESV). God tests AbrahamĪbraham is a man whose character looms large in the history of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.Ībraham and Sarah were very happy with their new son, Isaac however, God had a test for Abraham. Isaac was the name of the son that came from the union of Abraham and Sarah it would be through Isaac that the nations would be blessed.

the story of your life summary

However, this was not God’s plan God’s promise was for the offspring of Abraham and Sarah’s union (Genesis 15:3-4).

the story of your life summary

A son was born from this union his name was Ishmael. Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was still childless, so she told Abraham to sleep with her handmaid, so that they might get a child from the union. When this did not take place as quickly as Abraham thought it should, he became impatient with God and took matters into his own control. God had promised that Abraham would have children (Genesis 15:5 22:17). Nevertheless, Abraham trusted God and believed God could accomplish what He had promised. They were apparently past the normal age for having children therefore, it would clearly be a miracle of God were they to have any. However, Abraham was 99 years old and his childless wife was 90 (Genesis 11:30 17:1-4, 17). God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many people. His name was changed to “Abraham”, which means ‘father of a multitude’, when God initiated His covenant with him (Genesis 17). God began implementing this part of His plan of salvation by calling Abram, as he was known then, to leave his hometown of Ur and travel to a new land that God would show him (Genesis 12:1-3 Acts 7:2-4).Ībraham’s name was originally “Abram”, which means ‘the father is exalted’. By Abraham’s time, humanity had turned completely away from God, been destroyed by a flood (except for eight people), and were once again turning away from God, as evidenced by the story of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). God created man in His image in order that man might represent Him here on earth. Let us look at a brief history of this man and how his life is an example for us in our walk with Jesus. In Christianity, it is through Abraham’s lineage that the Savior of the world comes (Matthew 1 Luke 3). Judaism considered him the ‘father’ of their religion. Abraham plays an important part in each of these religions. Abraham is a man whose character looms large in the history of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

The story of your life summary